In the October 2023 edition of COVE Connect:
Ocean events
- COVE Open House!
- Rostock Ocean Convention 2023
- Ocean Connector: The future of international autonomous system innovation
- Deep Dive into Data: Moncton, New Brunswick
Ocean News
- Anchored in Excellence: Canadian Companies Transforming Naval Innovation
- 3D Wave puts 3D climate change models in the palm of our hands
- DARPA awards COVE resident company Glas Ocean Electric contract to develop intelligent data collection at sea
- Canada’s Ocean Supercluster Announces new AI ocean projects valued at $20 million
Activity at COVE
- Learn about COVE like never before! – COVE’s new website, promo video, and magazine, CONNECT
- Digital Harbour: Unleashing the Potential for Ocean Data Solutions
- COVE is a Diversity & Inclusion Champion Award Finalist
Careers in the Marine SectorÂ
- Consider your place in the marine economy – open job positions at Dominion Diving, Canada’s Ocean Supercluster, MetOcean Telematics, Thales Canada, Marine Thinking, Hawbolt Industries, and Enginuity Inc.