NOVA SCOTIA is home to a strong cluster of ocean technology companies. The companies listed in this directory are key contributors to the ocean technology industry. The Ocean Technology Council of Nova Scotia (OTCNS – a council of ADIANS) works closely with its members to facilitate increased competitiveness and innovation. Nova Scotia companies are export driven, knowledge-based and have a reputation that resonates in global markets. An undercurrent of energy is resonating through our local member companies that will be key providers within the critical, growing ocean tech supply chain.
This publication gives you a quick and easy reference matrix to identify the Nova Scotia companies and organizations equipped with the capabilities you are seeking. Many of the world’s specialists are actively researching this province as they look for inroads and opportunities to partner. In short, Nova Scotia is on everyone’s map and OTCNS is your entry portal to learning more about the capabilities of the ocean technology industry.
We invite you to visit us online at and – or in person – to meet the companies and organizations that make the Nova Scotia ocean tech sector dynamic and focused on growth.
Glenn Copeland
President, ADIANS
Paul Yeatman
Chairman, OTCNS