New Oceans Technology Graduates will soon be here to help you grow your business! They need your support to help them finish their program by hiring them on as a paid intern. NSCC listened to your needs and have produced a new stream of talent just for your industry. Good people are hard to find! Are you looking to add a new member to your team? Need an extra hand for the summer months? Are you overworked on certain projects? Do you have back burner projects that never seem to make it to the top of the pile? Are you planning for growth? If so, an Ocean Technology Student can help!
Between May 2015 and August, a dozen job-ready advanced students will be seeking a four month internship to complete their credit requirements for the Advanced Diploma in Oceans Technology. This program was developed in consultation with the Oceans Technology industry in Nova Scotia. These students are keen to work and capable of working in almost any aspect of your company’s business. A lot can be accomplished in four months so express your interest early if we can help. Contact details are provided below and process details are provided on the following page.