Dartmouth, 30 October 2017
IORE Announces Board of Directors
IORE’s Board of Directors welcomes new Board Members
Left to right: John Newton, Lucia MacIsaac, Robert Orr, Sarah Simpson, Paul Yeatman, Jim Hanlon, Jim King, Sandra Greer, Don Bureaux, Janet MacMillan, Mike Roberts.
Missing from photo: Stephen Carmel, Tony Chedrawy, Martha Crago, Ian Thompson, Anthony Patterson, Wendy Watson-Wright
The Institute for Ocean Research Enterprise (IORE) is pleased to introduce its new Board of Directors.
“We have assembled an impressive group of business and academic leaders from the Atlantic Region, other areas of Canada and the United States. Their experience, creativity and leadership will ensure we launch COVE successfully and see it develop into a unique facility for the pursuit of knowledge, security and prosperity through Ocean Technology.” said Jim King, Chair of the Board.
The Board, of which 11 members are new and six returning, is well positioned to guide IORE as it develops and
manages the member programs, services, and initiatives for the Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship
COVE is a collaborative facility for applied innovation in the ocean sector located on the Halifax Harbour. It will be a
hub of innovation for the regional ocean tech cluster and supports five key sectors of the ocean economy; defence
and security, fisheries and aquaculture, energy, marine transportation, and marine tourism.
COVE will propel the ocean economy by providing marine infrastructure and a collaborative space where ocean
enterprises can start, grow, and prosper. It will be home to local and global ocean technology businesses, post secondary institutions and researchers, as well as marine-based and service businesses that support sustainable
ocean activity.
Ultimately, COVE is a place where new ideas will be developed and brought to market by local businesses, as well as
those visiting from across the world. This is an incredible opportunity to develop collaboration in our sector
regionally, nationally, and internationally.
IORE Board of Directors
Bureaux, Don – President, Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC)
Carmel, Stephen – Senior Vice President of Maritime Services, Maersk Line Limited
Chedrawy, Tony – President and Chief Executive Officer, MetOcean Telematics
Crago, Martha – Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, McGill University*
Greer, Sandra – Board Director, Nova Scotia Power
Hanlon, Jim – Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Ocean Research Enterprise (IORE), and Centre for Ocean Ventures
& Entrepreneurship (COVE)
King, Jim (Chair) – President, CFN Consultants (Atlantic) Inc.*
MacIsaac, Lucia – President & Chief Executive Officer, LearnCorp International
MacMillan, Janet – Senior Counsel, NATIONAL Public Relations*
Newton, John – Liaison Officer, Veterans Affairs Canada
Orr, Robert – Chief Executive Officer, Cuna Del Mar
Patterson, Anthony – Chief Executive Officer, Virtual Marine Technologies*
Roberts, Mike – Chief Human Resources Officer, Emera Inc.*
Simpson, Sarah – Manager, Value Proposition and Community Relations, Irving Shipbuilding Inc.*
Thompson, Ian – Executive in Residence, Cox & Palmer
Watson-Wright, Wendy – Chief Executive Officer, Ocean Frontier Institute (OFI)
Yeatman, Paul – President, GeoSpectrum Technologies Inc., and President, Ocean Technology Council of Nova Scotia
*Returning Board Member
For more information on the IORE Board Members and to read their biographies, go to:
For information on COVE, visit:
Media contacts:
Jim Hanlon
Chief Executive Officer
Institute for Ocean Research Enterprise (IORE)
Leslie Munro
Coordinator for Operations and Communications
Institute for Ocean Research Enterprise (IORE)