Canada’s Ocean Supercluster (OSC) announced three new ocean innovation projects valued at more than $9 million, including the $3.8 million AI-Powered Vessel Automation Toolkit Project. This new, collaborative OSC project will improve fishing operations, increase competitiveness in ocean AI, and enhance existing infrastructure.
The project aims to deliver an AI-powered vessel automation toolkit, which will transform existing vessels into smart vessels that have autopilot capabilities and improved operational efficiency. Smart vessel applications will include enhanced catch monitoring capabilities through autonomous navigation and fishing route planning, and autonomous location detection of ghost gear in deep water.
The project is led by Halifax, NS-based Marine Thinking, in partnership with ACEL Power in Vancouver, BC. With a total project value of $3, 873, 528, Canada’s Ocean Supercluster is investing $1, 548, 990 with the balance of funding coming from project partners.