The Government of Canada is seeking proposals in support of the Canadian Safety and Security Program (CSSP) Call for Proposals, for innovative science and technology (S&T) projects.
The CSSP is a whole of government federally-funded program, led by Defence Research and Development Canada’s Centre for Security Science (DRDC CSS), in partnership with Public Safety Canada, which provides security and public safety policy guidance to the program. The CSSP supports federal, provincial, or municipal government-led projects in collaboration with response and emergency management organizations, non-governmental agencies, industry, and academia.
As of May 2015, up to $10 million will be available for new projects under the CSSP. The submission period for proposals will be from September 10, 2014 and will close on October 01, 2014. The selected projects will be announced in March 2015.
This competitive call for proposals is part of the CSSP investment that ensures Canadians and their institutions have a greater resilience to global and domestic public safety and security threats, which may include common security and defence requirements. The call for proposals process is administered by Public Works and Government Services Canada, on behalf of Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC). Interested bidders should consult the CSSP information available on
The CSSP funding will support projects and activities that respond to Canadian public safety and security priorities and address capability gaps. These gaps are identified in consultation with safety and security communities of practice, representing policy, operational and intelligence experts.