Be a sponsor
Being a sponsor guarantees maximum visibility in front of an international audience
Thank you for considering a partnership with COVE Demo Day (June 12). This package presents a unique partnership opportunity for your organization to be featured in front of a global audience. Delivering an event of this caliber would not be possible without support from our industry, government and academic partners. We look forward to working with you to deliver premier marine sector events, while maximizing the opportunity and profile for your organization.
Level Benefits:
Exclusivity as Diamond presenting partner
Verbal recognition of support by COVE and opportunity to provide brief remarks at Demo
Day opening ceremony
One complimentary exhibit booth on site during Demo Day (to promote your organization)
Ten complimentary tickets to Demo Day event
One full-page ad in Demo Day printed program (artwork to be supplied by partner)
Opportunity to place 4x promotional items on offerings table
Opportunity to display one pull-up banner on site at Demo Day (banner provided by partner)
Your company logo (hyperlinked) on the Demo Day website
Logo in Demo Day printed program
Logo included on digital promotion campaigns
Level Benefits:
Verbal recognition of support by COVE during the event
Six complimentary tickets to Demo Day event
One half-page ad in Demo Day printed program (artwork to be supplied by partner)
Opportunity to display one pull-up banner on site at Demo Day (banner provided by partner)
Opportunity to place 3x promotional items on offerings table during event
Your company logo (hyperlinked) on the Demo Day website
Logo in Demo Day printed program
Logo included on digital promotion campaigns
Level Benefits:
Verbal recognition of support by COVE during the event
Four complimentary tickets to Demo Day event
One quarter-page ad in Demo Day printed program (artwork to be supplied by partner)
Opportunity to place 2x promotional items on offerings table during event
Your company logo (hyperlinked) on the Demo Day website
Logo in Demo Day printed program
Logo included on digital promotion campaigns
Level Benefits:
Verbal recognition of support by COVE during the event
Two complimentary tickets to Demo Day event
Opportunity to place 1x promotional items on offerings table during event
Your company logo (hyperlinked) on the Demo Day website
Logo in Demo Day printed program
Logo included on digital promotion campaigns
Exclusive level benefits:
- Exclusivity as partner for our On-Water Closing Reception, held for guests returning to Halifax via vessel transport, featuring a custom 60-minute Halifax Harbour cruise and bar.
- Verbal recognition of support by COVE during opening ceremonies
- Opportunity to place 1x horizontal banner on vessel (hung from railings, provided by partner)
- Two complimentary tickets to Demo Day event (with two secured seats on vessel reception)
Exclusive level benefits:
- Exclusivity as our lunch partner
- Verbal recognition of support by COVE during the event
- Opportunity to place 1x standing banner in lunch tent (banner provided by partner)
- Two complimentary tickets to Demo Day event
Level benefits:
- Two time periods available for exclusivity: AM (10:00 AM – 12:00 PM) and PM (12:00 – 2:00 PM)
- Dedicated logo placement indicating partnership at refreshment tent during allotted time
- Verbal recognition of support by COVE during the event
All COVE Demo Day (June 12) partners will receive the following benefits:
- Logo placement in printed program
- Logo placement on Demo Day website (with hyperlink)
- Logo inclusion on digital promotional campaigns surrounding event on COVE’s social channels
- Verbal mention on stage during opening ceremonies
Be a Sponsor
Find your opportunity to sponsor COVE Demo Day and get your company's brand in front of the global marine sector.
Thank you!